Helping teens to walk with God

Following Jesus
Twelve Bible study lessons with teaching on how to be a true follower of Jesus Christ:
1. Why follow Jesus?
2. Peter – Changed forever
3. Peter – Failures and victories
4. John – A devoted follower
5. John – Looking forward
6. Judas – Pretending to follow
7. Judas – On the road to ruin
8. Andrew – Bringing others to Jesus
9. Andrew – Sharing the message
10. Mary – Freed from sin
11. Mary – Empowered to serve
12. Being a true follower

God Says
Twelve Bible study lessons with teaching on the Bible, the Ten Commandments and the Person and work of Jesus Christ:
God says, “This is my Word”
1. Why study the Bible?
2. How to study the Bible
God says, “These are my standards”
3. The first and second commandments
4. The third and fourth commandments
5. The fifth, sixth and seventh commandments
6. The eight, ninth and tenth commandments
God says, “Christ is the answer”
7. His deity
8. His life
9. His death
10. His resurrection
God says, “What is your response?”
11. Are you saved?
12. Are you growing?

God Way
Twelve Bible study lessons with teaching on how to get to know God and live God’s way:
The way to God
1. The true God
2. Barriers and blessings
3. The bridge of salvation
4. Justification
Living God’s way
5. Quiet time
6. Fruit of the Spirit
7. Authority
8. Possessions
9. Morality
10. Time
Final challenge
11. Choose God’s way
12. Trust God on the way

Insignificant Things
(with free visuals)
The lesson covers the subject under three headings:
1. God uses insignificant people
2. God uses insignificant places
3. God uses insignificant things

1. Trials
2. Temptation
3. God’s Word
4. Favouritism
5. Living Faith
6. The Tongue
7. Conflicts
8. Future Plans
9. Christ’s Return
10. Prayer

1. The vision of the glorified Christ
2. The letters to the seven churches
3. The throne, the scroll and the Lamb
4. The seven seals
5. The seven trumpets
6. The woman, the Child and the dragon
7. The two beasts
8. The fall of Babylon
9. The final victory
10. The heavenly city

The Christian Soldier
The battle
1. Spiritual warfare
2. The enemy’s strategy
3. Joining the army
4. Ready for battle
The equipment
5. The girdle of truth
6. The breastplate of righteousness
7. The shoes of the gospel of peace
8. The shield of faith
9. The helmet of salvation
10. The sword of the Spirit
11. Praying always
12. Final challenge

The World
1. How in the world did we get here? (1)
2. How in the world did we get here? (2)
3. What in the world is wrong? (1)
4. What in the world is wrong? (2)
5. Where in the world are you? (1)
6. Where in the world are you? (2)
7. In the world but not of the world (1)
8. In the world but not of the world (2)
9. Who in the world is right? (1)
10. Who in the world is right? (2)
11. Why in the world am I here?
12. Where in the world should I go?