New Testament
Teaching children how God offers hope and a future through Christ

A Saviour For You
(with free visuals)
Five Gospel presentations from the life of Christ to teach: unevangelised children
1. The birth of Christ
2. Jesus heals a paralysed man
3. The trial and crucifixion of Christ
4. The resurrection of Christ
5. The great King
1. The birth of Christ
2. Jesus heals a paralysed man
3. The trial and crucifixion of Christ
4. The resurrection of Christ
5. The great King

God’s Wonderful Salvation
The message of salvation presented through five Bible lessons:
1. John the Baptist points the way
2. Nicodemus hears a story
3. Zacchaeus is found by the Saviour
4. The prodigal son learns a lesson
5. Paul and Silas go to Philippi
1. John the Baptist points the way
2. Nicodemus hears a story
3. Zacchaeus is found by the Saviour
4. The prodigal son learns a lesson
5. Paul and Silas go to Philippi

Jesus Heals the Paralysed Man
This single lesson uses four strips of card, instead of pictures, to tell the story how Jesus heals a paralysed man. Saved children are encouraged to tell others about Jesus, using the four strips of card.

Jesus, My Saviour and Friend
Five lessons teaching children about eternal life and the problem of sin:
1. Jesus heals a paralysed man
2. Jesus calms the storm
3. Jesus meets a Samaritan woman
4. Jesus heals a centurion’s servant
5. The good Samaritan
1. Jesus heals a paralysed man
2. Jesus calms the storm
3. Jesus meets a Samaritan woman
4. Jesus heals a centurion’s servant
5. The good Samaritan

Knowing Christ
Five simple evangelistic lessons focusing on the great “I ams” of Christ:
1. The Good Shepherd
2. The Bread of Life
3. The Resurrection
4. The Light of the World
5. The Way
1. The Good Shepherd
2. The Bread of Life
3. The Resurrection
4. The Light of the World
5. The Way

The Lord Jesus Christ
(visuals out of print)
A series of five basic doctrinal lessons on the person and work of Christ
1. The Lord Jesus Christ – The Son of God
2. The Lord Jesus Christ – Man
3. The Lord Jesus Christ – Teacher
4. The Lord Jesus Christ – Priest
5. The Lord Jesus Christ – King
1. The Lord Jesus Christ – The Son of God
2. The Lord Jesus Christ – Man
3. The Lord Jesus Christ – Teacher
4. The Lord Jesus Christ – Priest
5. The Lord Jesus Christ – King

Life of Christ 1
Six lessons teaching children about who Christ is and why He came
1. The annunciation
2. The shepherds hear of the Saviour
3. The wise men worship the King
4. The Lord Jesus Christ as a child
5. The Lord Jesus Christ in temptation
6. The Lord Jesus calling disciples
1. The annunciation
2. The shepherds hear of the Saviour
3. The wise men worship the King
4. The Lord Jesus Christ as a child
5. The Lord Jesus Christ in temptation
6. The Lord Jesus calling disciples

Life of Christ 2
Six lessons teaching children how Jesus can change their lives, like those He met:
1. Miracle at a wedding
2. A new beginning to life (Nicodemus)
3. A woman in Samaria
4. The Lord heals a boy, but is rejected in His home town
5. Blind Bartimaeus is made to see
6. A woman is healed and a girl raised to life
1. Miracle at a wedding
2. A new beginning to life (Nicodemus)
3. A woman in Samaria
4. The Lord heals a boy, but is rejected in His home town
5. Blind Bartimaeus is made to see
6. A woman is healed and a girl raised to life

Life of Christ 3
Six lessons about the all-powerful Saviour who moves nature and the human heart:
1a. Jesus welcomes children
1b. Jesus feeds more than 5,000
2. Jesus walks on the water
3. The transfiguration
4. The cleansing of the leper
5. The rich young ruler
6. Zacchaeus meets Christ
1a. Jesus welcomes children
1b. Jesus feeds more than 5,000
2. Jesus walks on the water
3. The transfiguration
4. The cleansing of the leper
5. The rich young ruler
6. Zacchaeus meets Christ

Life of Christ 4
Six lessons teaching how the Lord Jesus victoriously fulfils His earthly ministry:
1. The triumphal entry
2. The upper room and the garden
3. The trial
4. The crucifixion
5. The resurrection
6. The ascension
1. The triumphal entry
2. The upper room and the garden
3. The trial
4. The crucifixion
5. The resurrection
6. The ascension

The First Christians
Six lessons teaching children what they can learn from the lives of the first Christians:
1. The witnesses
2. God’s power for the Christian
3. God works through the Christian
4. God cannot be fooled
5. God’s message is for everyone
6. God’s children are persecuted
1. The witnesses
2. God’s power for the Christian
3. God works through the Christian
4. God cannot be fooled
5. God’s message is for everyone
6. God’s children are persecuted

Paul, Persecutor and Preacher
First series of five lessons teaching important Biblical truths from the life of Paul:
1. Turned around
2. Plots and escapes
3. Mistaken identity
4. The Gospel comes to Europe
5. Alone in Athens

Paul, Witness and Winner
Second series of five lessons teaching important truths from the life of Paul:
6. Freed from Satan
7. Uproar in Jerusalem
8. Witnessing to kings
9. Shipwreck
10. Finishing the race

The Church, God’s Family
(with free visuals)
Five lessons for children who are saved, but not integrated into a local church:
1. The church is alive
2. The church in Jerusalem
3. The church in Antioch
4. The church in Troas
5. The church at war
1. The church is alive
2. The church in Jerusalem
3. The church in Antioch
4. The church in Troas
5. The church at war

Great Truths in the Book of Romans
(with free visuals)
Six lessons explaining in simple terms some of the great doctrines in Romans:
1. “Guilty,” says the judge
2. The judge declares you right with the law
3. The very best friend (Holy Spirit)
4. God’s chosen people
5. The body of Christ
6. How much we owe
1. “Guilty,” says the judge
2. The judge declares you right with the law
3. The very best friend (Holy Spirit)
4. God’s chosen people
5. The body of Christ
6. How much we owe